Due to the rising global industrialization, the monitoring of exhaust gas is increasingly important. The monitoring of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) is particularly important due to its role in the formation of ground-level Ozone and acid rain.

The gas converter module allows easy and cost-effective detection of the NOx components (NO & NO2). The module converts almost 100% of the NO2 content of a sample gas to NO using the replaceable reactor cartridge. The resulting NO gas is measurable by any commercially available IR analyzer.

The reactor cartridge, designed in cooperation with a research institute, enables the conversion of high NO concentrations at a comparatively low temperature. Interferences from other gases such as CO, CO2, and NO are generally not observed.

Moreover, a lifetime of over 12 months is possible under normal conditions. This leads to an obvious reduction in maintenance costs. The maintenance effort is further minimized through the special reactor fastener on the front panel allowing the replacement of the cartridge without tools. The temperature of the converter is adjustable through an easy-to-handle microcontroller.


  • High conversion rate > 97%
  • External Temperature Controller for easy operation
  • Housing option available

  • Long lifetime
  • Cost-Effective
  • Easy replacement of converter cartridge without tools
  • Ease of maintenance
  • High NO conversion-capability
  • 19” Rack Mount available

Working Temp.: 400°C*
Warm-Up Time: 30 Min
Mounting: Wall / 19” Rack mount
Sample gas Pressure: Up to 1.5 bar absolute
Sample gas Flow: Up to 120 l/h (2 LPM)


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