The innovative IMAGEPro software is an advanced image processing software for controlling, monitoring, analyzing, and capturing imager data.

IMAGEPro is a Windows PC software system that enables configuration of the imager, display properties, and advanced temperature analysis options and supports multiple simultaneous imagers. Free 30-day trial available for extensive testing.

Able to monitor and control up to sixteen images, IMAGEPro offers real-time analysis for thermal imager ranges. Giving users exceptionally detailed control over their thermal imaging measurements, IMAGEPro enhances application processing.


  • COLOUR PALETTES: 6 color palettes with 5 isotherms.
  • REGIONS OF INTEREST: 100 regions of interest per camera available using points, rectangle, ellipse, free drawn, or profile lines.
  • GRAPHS: Profile line, histogram, trend, and gauge graphs.
  • DATA STORAGE AND EXPORT: MS SQL Server or SQLite database storage and export to CVS, XML.
  • ADVANCED TRIGGER SYSTEM: Allows actions to be performed when values “trigger” a condition, such as send an I/O signal or start recording.
  • PRE-RECORDED CACHE: Allows recording of up to 10 seconds before recording is triggered.
  • ANALYSIS CORRECTION: Ignores frame values above or below a threshold when displaying analysis results.
  • USER MANAGEMENT LEVELS: Restricts user access to the software through 3 different roles: Guest (view only), Supervisor (change views and display settings), and Administrator (full access including changing imager settings).
  • INTEGRATED MODBUS SUPPORT (MASTER/SLAVE): Users can configure data values in the system to be transmitted or received via Modbus TCP by mapping IMAGEPro data outputs to Modbus register numbers.
  • INTEGRATED I/O SUPPORT: Directly communicates with Moxa I/O Logik and Beckhoff CX9001/CX8090 modules. Up to 16 I/O modules can be connected. Users can configure data values in the system to be transmitted or received via I/O by mapping IMAGEPro data outputs toI/O module pins.
  • MULTIPLE ALARM OPTIONS: Visible, acoustic, and via I/O interfacing.
  • EXTENSIVE FUNCTIONALITY - extensive control and analytical functions for exceptional process control, including multiple free defined ROIs (regions of interest).
  • FLEXIBLE COMMUNICATIONS - enables the exchange of information using a simple cross-platform Modbus TCP protocol, analogue signals or alarm output via I/O modules.
  • REAL-TIME RESULTS & ANALYSIS - powerful image processing allows for real-time monitoring and analysis of the thermal
  • information provided by up to 16 imagers.
  • FLEXIBLE INTERFACE LAYOUT - allows complex configuration and arrangement of windows by the user across multiple monitors, which can be stored and reopened on request and opens automatically on restart.
  • ADJUSTABLE WINDOWS - can be docked, re-sized and made floatable to suit specific needs and stored/loaded in/from a full
  • configuration.
  • TOOLS & DISPLAY - can be displayed and hidden as needed to maximise screen space.
  • USER LEVELS - ensures only those with password access can change the system configuration.
Please do download the datasheet for more info.


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