Modbus Slave – Datalogger HD67113

The HD67113 is a fully transparent RS232 / RS485 Converter that allows you to interface a RS232 network with a RS485 network. Easy to get the message across the data flow control by microprocessor.


  • Designed for serious use
  • Standard RS485 up to 115K bps ready for ModBUS
  • RTU protocol
  • Configurable store variables list
  • Different configurable sample time
  • Included Configuration Software
  • Rail DIN mounting
  • Designed for serious use
  • Standard RS485 up to 115K bps ready for ModBUS
  • RTU protocol
  • Configurable store variables list
  • Different configurable sample time
  • Included Configuration Software
  • Rail DIN mounting
As per datasheet.


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