Instrument with galvanic separation for converting a temperature signal from PT100 thermoprobes into a standardized V – mA signal. The converter is provided with galvanic separation between the input and output and can therefore be positioned at a considerable distance if necessary (a few hundred metres) from the sensor without running the risk of obtaining a measurement affected by the differences in potential or the disturbances present in the earthing circuit.


Input for PT100 thermoprobes with 2 or 3 wires with three standard pre-set ranges: 0 – 100 °C, 0 – 200 °C and 0 – 400 ° C which can be selected via two dip switches on the front panel.

A signaling LED on the front panel indicate power on. The self-extinguishing Noryl case is the width of 4 DIN modules and is designed to fit on a 35 mm mounting rail (DIN 46277).
Power supply : 115 / 230 Vac +/- 10% 50 / 60 Hz Power consumption : 1,5 VA Galvanic separation supply // input // output 3500 Vac Input : for Pt100 2/3 wires thermoprobes Input : 3 ranges pre-calibrated 0-100, 0-200 e 0-400 °C Current output : selectable via DIP-switches between 0-20 and 4-20 mA


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