Sample Gas Filter (SGF2)

In the portal, the analysis system sample must be free from dust and contamination. Consistent and long-term operation of any process analyzer depends upon the sample conditioning system which must be
free from dust and solid particulate.

The conditioning system must be lightweight and compact which is why require small components. Axis brings special filter housing (SGF-2) for these kinds of applications, also installed in a 19” rack system.

This SGF-2 is screwed into the front panel and sample connections at the backside. Easy to remove or replace filter elements when required.


    • Panel installation
    • Used in analyzer gas conditioning
    • Large surface area
    • Ease of maintenance
    • Easy element replacement
    • Can be opened without tools

    Mounting : Panel
    Sample : Gas
    Max operating pressure : 2 bar
    Pore size : Less than 2 micron
    Ambient or media temp : 80°C


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